Hiya Guys, Contrary to the title and my love of Disney, this blog post isn't all about High School Musical (but one day maybe). Today I had my last exam and that officially signals the end of my college life and, even though I am excited for a new start, I thought I'd reminisce on my time and also give some of you lovely people advice if you are starting college. I never really expected to enjoy college as much as I did because High School was life changing and really brought me out of my shell. However, college really defined who I was as a person and who I want to be in the future. It also helped me grow as a person by giving me my first taste of independence and I met people I hope will stay in my life forever. I'm not saying that college is the route for everyone because there are so many different options like finding a job or doing an apprenticeship. But, for me, college was something I'd always wanted and knew that it would give me skills to combat the...
My blog title basically describes what life is and what this blog is. Each day brings me a new challenge or a new surprise and being the person I am, I thought that the best thing to do would be to spread my experiences on the internet :) I might not be as consistent at the moment because I'm in my last year of university, but stick with me for some decent content!