Hiya Guys, It is the end of the week entitled 'Fresher's Week' and, from tomorrow, I will be attending lectures and basically working my arse off to do well in my History Course. Although I may have not had the 'crazy' fresher's week that most people have, it was pretty crazy for me because, for the last 18 years, I have been living the life of a hermit. As I have told anyone who will listen, I have been out more times this week than I have in my entire life (I have been 18 for a little less than a year). Being in London, I have discovered that there are so many place to go on a night out BUT they are all pretty far away and can be expensive if you total together the costs of transport, entrance fee's and the price of the drinks themselves. Therefore I chose to pretty much stay in the Student Union bar except for one night (where I ventured 20 minutes out). So I mean this won't be the most interesting post about fresher's, but I learnt ...
My blog title basically describes what life is and what this blog is. Each day brings me a new challenge or a new surprise and being the person I am, I thought that the best thing to do would be to spread my experiences on the internet :) I might not be as consistent at the moment because I'm in my last year of university, but stick with me for some decent content!