Hi my lil' fairies, I was wondering how to like plan this new year in terms of blog posts, especially since it's one of my busiest with university, exams and my 10,000 word dissertation due. I don't know how often these posts will be and also, how many of you are regular readers of this blog - I would love to hear from you and would be grateful if you like to interact, comment and share my posts. I've already got a few queued and you'll definitely see some sort of pattern or theme within the next few which might make things easier. This post is the start of a new set of posts on, you guessed it, books. I wrote a book probably a year ago about my favourite books so I thought I'd update it. I'm one of the most addicted readers and always read for at least 30 minutes a day which means I get through a lot of books within a year... it also means that I lose track of the ones I've read because I mostly borrow them from the library. This list will exclu...
My blog title basically describes what life is and what this blog is. Each day brings me a new challenge or a new surprise and being the person I am, I thought that the best thing to do would be to spread my experiences on the internet :) I might not be as consistent at the moment because I'm in my last year of university, but stick with me for some decent content!