Hi my lil fairies, It's been a whirlwind few weeks, and probably months to be fair, but I've finally finished university - well I finished a few weeks ago and I've been trying to get back to normality. I managed to get a part time job and I know that, sooner or later, it'll dawn on me that I won't ever go back to university. I think the biggest thing for me is that I've pretty much spent all my life in education and it's been at the core of my life. As soon as I turned 3/4 I started primary school and then I was there until I went to high school where I spent 5 years until I went to college for two, which was then ended by 3 years at university - that's a long 18 years in some sort of education. It's crazy thinking about it now, that I was pretty much given a full blown schedule for most of my life and now I'm free... I can't say how much I've enjoyed these last three years. Even though they've been some of the toughest, they...
My blog title basically describes what life is and what this blog is. Each day brings me a new challenge or a new surprise and being the person I am, I thought that the best thing to do would be to spread my experiences on the internet :) I might not be as consistent at the moment because I'm in my last year of university, but stick with me for some decent content!