Hiya Guys, This post is quite a fun one for me because I get to review Louise's (AKA SprinkleofGlitter) book Life With a Sprinkle of Glitter. I say this is fun because Louise was one of the main reasons I bucked up the courage to actually start blogging constantly. It took me a while because I never had the time to actually pick up my pre-order from Waterstones but better late than never. Louise's book is the first book by a Youtuber that I have actually bought because I feel that, unlike other books, it is particularly relevant to me in a time of my life where things are changing and I think it's perfect if you need advice from someone you can trust (I mean I love my parents but some things like boys aren't a topic I like to discuss with them). I'm going to focus on the parts of the book which were particularly important and useful to me because the book is full of so many amazing chapters for different people and it would be impossible to tal...
My blog title basically describes what life is and what this blog is. Each day brings me a new challenge or a new surprise and being the person I am, I thought that the best thing to do would be to spread my experiences on the internet :) I might not be as consistent at the moment because I'm in my last year of university, but stick with me for some decent content!