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McBusted Part 2 - Manchester Arena (Spoilers)

Hiya Guys, Long time no speak?

In my 18 years on this planet, I have been fortunate enough to have been to many concerts and I have a few coming up in the next few months. Last night I went, with my mum and sister, to see McBusted at the Manchester Arena . This is the second time I have seen McBusted and I thought that I would make this post as a sort of review of the show, however I don't want to spoil it for people who may be seeing them later on or getting the DVD so I am going to keep it brief and show it from my perspective.

We had Block E floorseats and we saw that it was positioned nicely between the main stage and the B Stage. I didn't know whether it would live up to the expectations or the standard of the OMFG tour, there were doubts from many people as this tour didn't sell as well as last year's did. But after last night I question why it didn't sell out and why I didn't know the band well enough to know that they could never disappoint me.

The minutes leading up to the main set by McBusted was set up very nicely with trailers from movies that are easy to assume are the guy's top films.
There was a  big entrance where they started with 'Air Guitar'. It was extremely risky leading with a brand new song but the energy the boys portrayed with the graphics on the screen behind them made for a solid start that helped get us ready for the rest of the show.

The setlist continued to blow my mind with songs from the new album as well as old songs from McFly and Busted. This allowed us to reminisce on the pas while being able to live in the present with the new songs that show us essences from each band. After ending the first part of the show with the up-beat 'What Happened to your Band' the lights dimmed and cue another video continuing the tour story.

Then as I turned around they came floating down on that world famous car from Back to the Future and started on the B Stage with Air Hostess. It unnerved me how close I was, the pictures at the end of this post wont give it justice. One of my highlights was on this stage. Before returning back to the main stage, the guys left the stage leaving us with Danny and James, cue Beautiful Girls are the Loneliest. At that moment when everyone was crowded together on the floor it didn't feel like we were in an arena but an intimate concert at a small venue. It is the ability to make one person in a huge crowd feel like they are the only person in the room that shows the credentials of an amazing live band.

Once they had ran off, they re-entered from the right side in wedding outfits. Harry obviously topless, Matt in a suit and the other boys in dresses, Tom's managing to match his dress with his light blue hair. This could only mean 'Crashed the Wedding'

This was followed by my sister's favourite song 'Riding on my Bike.' Bourne did this song perfectly wearing a microphone changing his voice and literally singing while riding on his bike, of which he eventually started riding around the large stage- yet another piece of evidence showing the energy the boys have!

Finishing the night with their usual encore of '5 Colours in Her Hair,' 'Shine A Light' and 'Year 3000,' it perfectly ended a night that I definitely would never forget. The atmosphere was still electric and the band hadn't lost any energy throughout even on the last chord of the last song.

I think I want to end this blog post by thanking Tom Fletcher, Danny Jones, Dougie Poynter, Harry Judd, James Bourne and Matt Willis for an amazing night. People keep asking me if I would go and see them for a third time... HELL YEAH! The show was lively, energetic and there was no second that I felt bored or wondered why I had come in the first place!


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