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So much to do, so little time!

Hiya guys,

This post is sort of a mini rant but it's also an explanation to all of you. I don't know how many of you are constant readers of this blog but this is for anyone who has read this blog once or every single time I post.

I started this blog with so much passion but then things got in the way of letting me use this blog to it's full potential. Once I started university, I tried to put away a few hours each week to write about things and it was going pretty well. Fast forward a year and I am hardly ever put anything up and it really upsets me because this is like my baby that I get to put all my love and emotions into. 

Basically, since I started my 2nd year of university, I've been trying so hard to get my grades up by starting essay's way ahead of deadlines, doing all the reading ahead of the lectures and making sure to fill in gaps in my lecture notes. I've also been trying to get further in my journalism dream so I'm now the online music editor for my university magazine.

This means that I can't put 100% into this blog all the time and it means that posts don't go up regularly. This isn't good for me because I hate having to put something I love on a back seat. So, I don't know how constant posts are going to be and when they will go up because I just don't have the time.

As well as explaining the situation, I want to talk about the general idea of time as a student. Schools, colleges and universities give you piles of work, revision and reading yet they always say over and over again about how they want you to have a social life and get out of the house. They say they don't want you to spend so long in the house on your laptop doing work or spending too long on one subject...

But then, those same teachers give you 4 essays to do with a word count of 3500 words that count towards your degree, expect you to do 100 pages of reading for each subject (which in my case is 4) each week whilst still getting a good amount of sleep and having a 'life'.

Well, being someone shit at maths, even I know that this is impossible. The number of nights out, days out and free time that I've had taken away from me because I had this essay to do or that reading to do has literally mounted so much.

I know everyone will say, 'well you chose to go to university.' Yes I did, but I didn't choose the mental breakdowns, the piles of work and the endless words that I'm typing on the computer. I chose to go to university to learn but instead I am struggling to stay on top of everything but, the scary thing is that I'm not alone. There are people taking their GCSE's, A Levels or even 11 year olds taking SATs. They couldn't choose to not go to school or college but they still have mountains of work to do everyday.

What's the point of this post, well I guess its awareness. We aren't robots. As young people, we don't have the pressures of jobs, finances and responsibility until we move out (which for many is university) but our mental health is getting worse because of the pressures put on us to be able in education.

What do you all think? Are we putting too much pressure or is it everyone else? Why does it feel like we have so much stuff to do but so little time at such a young age?

That's all for now my dears,
See you soon



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