Hi my lil' fairies,
Over the last few months, my posts have varied from really magical and lighthearted to one or two pretty deep and meaningful posts and I think that's what this blog is. It's something to read if you want something cheerful to read but also if you want to feel something or read about a really relevant topic. Today is one of those more serious posts and it's been on my mind for quite a while.
Body shaming is something that has really gotten out of hand in this modern day and age but luckily we are realising that it's not right. It's not right to judge someone on their weight and we are constantly being told not to do it to anyone, right?
Wrong! We're in a great world where fat-shaming is no longer a thing - good riddance. BUT, where's this same equal mentality when it comes to people on the opposite end of the spectrum. Before I suddenly get a lot of abuse about how it's completely different and being skinny never causes anyone any grief, well you most likely haven't endured hurtful comments like I have.
I'm a skinny girl, I'm a small girl and I'm small boned as I like to say. It's been the same my entire life and I have always struggled to gain weight like a normal person, even though I eat like properly (even if my natural appetite isn't as big as normal people). This didn't cause me any issues when I was younger but, as I've gotten older, my genes and body has suddenly become an issue for me and people around me. It's become so bad that I find myself apologising to people for my weight or the way my body looks because it's starting to feel like a flaw. I feel ashamed of the way I look and I know that there's no way to change it. It's the way I was born.
When someone meets me or see's me after a while. I'm met with the same lines:
"Wow, you're so skinny!"
"It's so unfair that you eat loads and you're still stick thin."
"Do you're parents not feed you?"
"Do you even eat normally?"
"Why are you conscious about your body? You're just seeking attention now!"
Most people just say it in passing but isn't it the same as asking someone why they eat so much if they're worried about their weight? Well not to the media, not to singers and not to the news! While we've made some progress, it just seems really one sided.
Everyone praises Meghan Trainor's song All About That Bass and, as much as I love it, as I listen to the lyrics, isn't she just saying that guys don't like skinny girls and that curves are more beautiful. Aren't companies putting an emphasis on plus size ranges in stores and making sure that they have plus sized models! Well, I don't see big ranges dedicated to small people *no, the Petite ranges are not good enough because they may as well not even existent seeing as though they're never big enough* or having smaller models with a skinnier frame. No, it's just assumed that we purposely and unhealthily get to this weight and we're ridiculed for it and shamed for being different in size and stature! Skinny models have even been banned from runways if their BMI isn't average... well mine isn't but I'm healthy and capable. Isn't it a double standard?
I'm not saying that the progress the world has made isn't important but shouldn't we emphasise that any kind of body shaming is bad. Aren't we all conscious of our body and sometimes feel shitty in our body? So why aren't we recognising that nobody should be ridiculed for the shape of their body and, as long as we are healthy, then nothing should matter.
I know this post will either get me some praise for speaking out but I also know that I could get a lot of abuse. I am in no way promoting being skinny or saying the opposite end of the spectrum is bad. I just want people to be aware of what they're saying to people because, even if you think somethings a joke, it could really hurt someone!
That's all for now my dears,
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