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Showing posts from June, 2017

Why being short sometimes sucks!

Hiya guys, It's sometimes great to be short but most of the time it's shite! Being at max 5ft 1 has been the brunt of people's jokes since I was at high school because, believe it or not, I've actually been short my entire life. This not my fault because my parents are probably the shortest pairing in the world because my dad's 5ft 6 and my mum's 4ft 10 so you can't be surprised that I ended up this height. I don't really care sometimes because I can get into kids clothing and I don't stick out like a sore thumb in awkward situation. But that's where the advantages end and the problems are becoming more visible as I get older. I've been trying to find an outfit for a wedding in the winter and this is where the problems become seriously annoying. I CAN'T FIT INTO ANYTHING! I've been surfing hundreds of websites and visiting probably the same number of shops to find something to wear. I don't have the issue where I can&